Misconfig Mapper is an open-source CLI tool built in Golang that discovers and enumerates instances of services used within your organization. It performs large-scale detection and misconfiguration assessments, leveraging customizable templates with detection and misconfiguration fingerprints to identify potential security risks in widely used third-party software and services.

Misconfig Mapper features

“Misconfig Mapper is a simple tool to help bug bounty hunters and security researchers map out common security misconfigurations in well-known software services and products like Atlassian, Jenkins, and GitLab, as well as popular frameworks like PHP Laravel. It’s a project led by Intigriti, a bug bounty platform backed by the community. The tool also documents each security misconfiguration in detail, allowing security researchers to systematically test configurations in these third-party services,” 0xblackbird, external technical content manager that helps maintain Misconfig Mapper, told Help Net Security.

The tool uses templates defined in the services.json file, allowing users to add and customize as many templates as needed. By providing a company name, the tool intelligently generates permutations based on the given keyword to identify matching services. Additionally, users can choose between complete analysis or a lighter detection mode that only verifies the presence of services without conducting deeper security assessments.

Future plans and download

“We plan to include support for even more services and products to highlight common security misconfigurations in popular third-party software,” 0xblackbird concluded.

Misconfig Mapper is available for free on GitHub.

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