Hey, Campers!
It’s that time of year again. The smell of 0-day in the air. Charlatans roasting by the pyre. Old friends and new gather in one of the worst places in the world for those that have more hoodies than days to wear them… LAS VEGAS!
This year, Black Hills Information Security (BHIS) will be at the brand-new DEF CON Exhibitors Hall! Does that sound too business-y for you? Us too, so we’re doing it in the most BHIS way possible. We’re going shopping on-site at DEF CON and building our booth while there. No slick booth wizardry, just some camp chairs, friends, and conversations promoting the projects of folks in the community we love. Oh, and you can learn more about us too (if you’re into that sort of thing).
At the end, we’re donating everything in the booth to a local charity that supports helping the homeless in Las Vegas. Join us in our Exhibitors Hall booth at Caesars Forum on August 11th, 12th, and 13th for some of the amazing camp activities below. You can also find us around DEF CON at various events. Check out the info below and come say hi!
Don’t worry if you’re not at Summer Camp this year, we will be running live streams from our booth to bring a little bit of Hacker Summer Camp to you, wherever you are. Watch our YouTube channel for event times and links!
LINECON – Backdoors & Breaches Demos
Weds – 8/9/23 – 9:30pm – 11:30pm PT – Linecon – Caesars Forum
Waiting in line to get your DEF CON badge? Want to learn how to play Backdoors & Breaches, get a free deck, and meet folks from BHIS? We thought future-you would say that! We will be wandering Linecon teaching people how to play and handing out free decks. Look for the folks with the carts and the bullhorn. (You know, honestly, at DEF CON, that may describe lots of folks.) Either way, we will be there teaching y’all how to play. We’re looking forward to making tons of new friends. Learn more about Backdoors & Breaches at www.backdoorsandbreaches.com
Hot Red Team Tips – Ralph May and Steve Borosh
Fri – 8/11/23 – Noon – 1pm PT – Red Team Village
Fri – 8/11/23 – 3pm – 4pm PT – Red Team Village
Sat – 8/12/23 – 10:00am – 11:00am PT – Red Team Village
Sat – 8/12/23 – Noon – 1pm PT – Red Team Village
Join BHIS testers Ralph May and Steve Borosh in the Red Team Village as they discuss some of their best tips for red teamers. These tips come from their extensive work in the field on actual red team engagements. If red teaming is your thing, you won’t want to miss this! Find out more at: https://redteamvillage.io/redhot.html
Social Engineering Community Vishing Competition – Ean Meyer
Fri – 8/11/23 – 12:30pm to 1:30pm – Social Engineering Community Village
Come watch as BHIS Content & Community Co-Creator, Ean Meyer, gets in the booth and makes cold calls to his target. Win or lose, we promise you will be entertained. Bason Jlanchard may even make an appearance at the booth. Ean will also have some top-secret custom stickers to hand out during his call. Learn more at: https://www.se.community/
Darknet Diaries x PROMPT# – Jeremy from Marketing Graphic Novel signing with Jack Rhysider
Fri – 8/11/23 – 3pm – 4pm PT – Caesars Forum – Exhibitors Hall – BHIS Booth
You heard that right. BHIS, PROMPT# (our infosec zine), and Darknet Diaries have teamed up to bring “Episode 36: Jeremy from Marketing” to a graphic novel! We will have 1,000 copies at our booth to give away FOR FREE! If that isn’t good enough, Jack Rhysider, host and creator of Darknet Diaries, will be signing copies. Darknet Diaries is the wildly popular podcast about “the dark side of the Internet.” Come early, as we’re betting they run out fast. Find out more about Darknet Diaries and the episode the comic is based off here: https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/36/. You can also sign up to receive PROMPT# zine shipped to your door for free here: https://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/prompt-zine/
Red Team Alliance Training Facility with Deviant Ollam
Fri – 5pm – 5:30pm PT – Caesars Forum – Exhibitors Hall – BHIS Booth
Physical Entry Specialist, connosseur of many things, and all-around wonderful person, Deviant Ollam, will be stopping by to talk about the opening of the Red Team Alliance’s brand-new state-of-the-art physical security training center in Las Vegas. Stop by to learn more about it and meet the fantastic human behind the internet legends. Learn more about the Red Team Alliance at: https://www.redteamalliance.com/
Badge Live Stream with Ironwood Cyber
Sat – 10am – 11am PT – Caesars Forum – Exhibitors Hall – BHIS Booth
Last year, Ironwood Cyber had the most sought-after badge of DEF CON 30: the Tron Identity Disk. Full of features, hacking challenges, and an amazing design, their badge this year is one of the most anticipated badges at DEF CON 31. And it can’t be bought. You can only get it from them at their surprise drop points. Follow the Ironwood Cyber Twitter account to find out where they will be dropping the new Arc Reactor badge: https://twitter.com/IronwoodCyber. Want to find out how it was built? Join us at the booth or watch on the live stream! We will be talking with Jose Rodriguez of Ironwood Cyber about the build, challenges, and everything it took to make the new badge a reality. You can see a preview of this incredible badge, and just a few of the things it’s packed with, here: https://twitter.com/IronwoodCyber/status/1683891870705778694
Live Stream and Book Signing – Joe Gray (C3PJoe) – OSINT
Sat – 11am – 12:30pm PT – Caesars Forum – Exhibitors Hall – BHIS Booth
Open-source intelligence expert, regular judge for the TraceLabs CTF, and founder of The OSINTion OSINT training, Joe Gray, will stop by to talk about his book, Practical Social Engineering, from No Starch Press. We will talk about his OSINTion training, his Antisyphon course, and how he went about writing his book. We will have 40 copies for sale that you can get autographed, so stop by, meet Joe, and pick up a copy before they are all gone. Check out his book and the OSINTion at the links below: https://www.theosintion.com/
Live Stream and Book Signing – The Active Defender – Dr. Cathy Ullman
Sat – 8/12/23 – 3:00pm – 4:30pm PT – Caesars Forum – Exhibitors Hall – BHIS Booth
Friend of the show and huge supporter of the infosec community, Dr. Cathy Ullman, who you may know as Investigatorchic, has a new book out called “The Active Defender: Immersion in the Offensive Security Mindset.” Hot off the presses on July 26th and published by Wiley, it covers how to think like an offensive security pro when you’re a defender. Lots of tools, tips, and methods to help the blue team fight like the red team. Come by our booth where we will be doing a live stream talking about the book followed by a book signing. We will have 40 copies in stock that you can purchase at list price and get signed by the author! Learn more about the book here: https://www.wiley.com/en-us/The+Active+Defender%3A+Immersion+in+the+Offensive+Security+Mindset-p-9781119895213
Floridaman Party
Fri. 9:00pm – 11:00pm PT – Margaritaville
For Florida men, women, non-binary, alligators, and zombies recovering from bath salts, the Floridaman Party has been a DEF CON favorite for years. This is a community-run party is funded through badge sales. You don’t need to be from Florida to show up and experience the chaos of Florida. Ean Meyer, from Black Hills Information Security, will be running an auction at 9:50pm PT at the party to benefit BSides Orlando. Bring your cash to help support this community conference and make new friends. Other BHIS testers will also be around, so keep an eye out. You can still purchase badges for pickup at https://floridaman.party/
Hacker Jeopardy
Sat. 10:00pm – 11:00pm PT – Caesars Forum
If you haven’t experienced Hacker Jeopardy, it’s a DEF CON must. Hosted by the amazing Lintile, hackers like you compete in a Jeopardy-style game show that starts off the rails and never really makes it back on track. Watch as hackers, cyber security experts, and anyone brave enough to play, fails (in front of a massive audience) to answer what runs on port 23. Black Hills Information Security will be giving the winners Antisyphon Training vouchers AND $250 in Caesar Chips to turn in for cash or make even more bad decisions at the tables. Just remember, DFIU. Learn more at: https://forum.defcon.org/node/245322
Whose Slide Is It Anyway?
Sat. 11:00pm – 11:59am PT – Caesars Forum
Does the idea of presenting a slide deck you’ve never seen sound terrifying? What if it was created by an AI whose only data model was a middle school Roblox Discord server and SEC 10k filings? What if you had to do this in front of 1000 strangers? Guess what, you’re right. It’s a horrifying and magical train wreck that you won’t want to look away from. The fabulous Rand0h will host along with many judges, including Ean Meyer and Deb Wigley from Black Hills Information Security. BHIS will be giving the winner $250 in Caesars Chips to turn in for cash or double down in the casinos. (Whatever they want, we aren’t their mom. If we were their mom, we would be extremely ashamed of them for ruining the family name by winning at Whose Slide.) Find out more here: https://forum.defcon.org/node/245436
That’s a whole lot of Black Hills in a whole lot of DEF CON!
Check back here for other updates, changes, and general chaos. We hope you come to Camp BHIS at DEF CON. Say hi. Oh, and remember… drink lots of water. You’re in a desert with a giant glowing orb in it. Water is always a good option.