Jordan has been hanging around the tech industry for 25 years now and was baited hook, line, and sinker by Napster. He’s been part of the Black Hills Information Security team for a decade in various capacities and has been a part of Antisyphon Training’s amazing growth trajectory as an instructor.

tl;dr: Install Wifiphisher on Kali and run a basic attack. 

This crappy little copy/paste-able operation resulted in a functional Wifiphisher virtual environment on Kali (as of January 22, 2024).  

apt-get install -y libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libssl-dev python3-virtualenv 
cd /opt/ 
git clone 
cd wifiphisher 
virtualenv -p python3 env 
source env/bin/activate 
python3 -m pip install ConfigParser 
git clone 
cd /opt/wifiphisher/roguehostapd 
python3 install  
cd /opt/wifiphisher 
python3 -m pip install six 
python3 -m pip install .  
wifiphisher -e CORP-RETAIL -p wifi_connect -kB 
deactivate # when done 

Two additional edits were made inside the file included with the Wifiphisher installation. Both instances of the following were updated to “write bytes” instead of just “write”.  

fout = open(dpath, ‘wb’) # line 104 
fout = open(dpath, ‘wb’) # line 135 

The Wifiphisher toolkit provides an operator some novel approaches for interrogating wireless networks and clients. One of the most interesting and potentially beneficial attacks with Wifiphisher, in this author’s opinion, is the coffee shop, known beacons (-kB) attack (which is similar to the Wi-Fi KARMA attack).  

Here’s some quick background on wireless clients and the KARMA attack: 

  • Almost all operating systems will automatically attempt to reconnect to previously used wireless networks.  
    • This is potentially dangerous and exploitable behavior. 
  • These requests are sent from the client as part of a preferred network list (PNL) advertisement broadcast. 
    • This is potentially dangerous and exploitable behavior. 
  • The known beacons attack in Wifiphisher is similar to the Wi-Fi KARMA attack. 
    • KARMA accepts the client’s advertised list of preferred networks (PNL) 
    • KARMA then turns those into an SSID and hopes the client connects 
    • the -kB attack just advertises a lengthy list of common SSID names one by one 
      • Yes, the list is configurable 
      • Wireless clients may auto-connect to the networks to which they’ve connected previously 

The next command and screenshot invokes Wifiphisher. The invoke presents any connecting clients the wifi_connect phishing module.  

wifiphisher -e CORP-RETAIL -p wifi_connect -kB 

The next screenshot repeats again after the attack.  

Known Beacons Attack Invocation with Wifiphisher

Of note here, the initial command brings up the operator’s console shown below. The operator’s console includes the SSID we cloned from the retail space (CORP-RETAIL) and presented to clients as an open network. The console also includes some of the known networks from the attacker’s list (SFO FREE WIFI, FREE WIFI, Hotel, blah). Established client connections also show up here. Also of interest, once a Windows client has connected, we see that client attempting connections to and The request for a text file here is likely part of the client’s algorithm to decide whether it has a valid and fully established internet connection.  

Finally, as shown in the previous and next screenshots, this victim submitted data to the phishing page. 

Operator’s Console View of Wifiphisher Tool

The client side of this attack, at least a Windows client, appears something like the following: The client is presented with the phishing page and a JavaScript modal dialog box. The box prompts the connected client for their CORP-RETAIL key to fully “connect” as a lure. Inputs then show up in the console above. 

Windows Client Perspective on Wifiphisher 

This is the same screenshot shown as captured at initial invocation and after tool shutdown. The console also contains the victim input as listed in the wfphshr-wpa-password value.  

Client Input Captured in Console

I also reviewed this attack on a Mac client, just for research purposes. The broadcast network was slightly different but achieved the same impact. The client was redirected to the Mac’s user-agent identified version of the wifi_connect lure.  

Wifiphisher’s Version of an Apple User Agent String Captive Portal

The client was identified on initial connection appropriately as iOS/MacOS device. Client inputs were captured as shown.  

Apple Device Connection to Wifiphisher Access Point 

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and use your powers for good and not evil.  



Want to learn more mad skills from the person who wrote this blog?

Check out these classes from Jordan and Kent:

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