Ean Meyer //

This post is for attendees of Wild West Hackin’ Fest: Deadwood 2022

POGs? Yes, POGs! If you aren’t familiar with POGs, this game started decades ago, reaching the peak of its popularity in the 1990s. The game is simple: players have stacks of cardboard discs with logos, memes, and other graphic (“POGs”) that they place face down, as well as a “slammer.” To start, two players contribute an equal number of POGS from their collection to create a combined stack of 10-14 POGs. They then take turns throwing their slammer at the stack. The POGs explode up when hit. The ones that land face up are kept by the player that threw the slammer. The game continues until the players decide they are done or they run out of POGs to play with.  

Want to know more about POGs? Check this out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTOmg9y8yv4  

Want to know how to play? Watch this – https://youtu.be/smobVX9MdWY 

You might be wondering what this has to do with a security conference. It has nothing to do with security and everything to do with helping people meet each other and create new relationships. At WWHF Deadwood 2022, attendees will have opportunities to play POGs, meet others, network, and win amazing prizes! 

Each attendee will get a starter pack of POGs with the logos of our fantastic sponsors and a slammer so you can start playing immediately… and you will want to play when you hear what you can win.  

At Sponsor Stampede  

At the Sponsor Stampede on Wednesday night at 6:00pm, you will be able to meet with sponsors at seven locations where they will have rare POGs to collect and play with. The Sponsor Stampede will end back at the Deadwood Mountain Grand. There you have multiple ways to win prizes.  

  • Show the registration desk you’ve collected all the rare POGs and you will get a ticket to win in our prize drawing that evening.  
  • Members of the Content & Community Team will be wandering the hall looking for people playing POGs. Every time they spot you playing POGs with a new person, you can get another ticket to win.  

What can you win? Great question, glad you asked! Winners of the Sponsor Stampede POG game will get a Back to the Future Flux Capacitor for their desk AND a ticket to next year’s Wild West Hackin’ Fest. 

Rare Drops 

During the conference, more Rare POGs may be dropped with specific sponsors. Listen for announcements from MCs for Rare Drops and where to get them! 

POG Rustling Champion 

Don’t stop playing after the Stampede! At the end of the conference, a POG Rustling Champion will be announced! Play POGs with attendees to win their POGs. Stop by the registration desk before 4pm and count out your POGs. We will write down your name, how many POGs you have, and the person with the most POGs will be declared the WWHF:Deadwood 2022 POG Rustling Champion. The POG Rustling Champion will receive: 

  • A trophy 
  • A Back to the Future Lego Delorean kit valued at $200 
  • A trip to WWHF: Deadwood 2023 including badge, hotel, and airfare (valued up to $1500!) 

So play POGs and win prizes but more importantly, make new friends and connections with people. We want you to have fun and build relationships that last well beyond the con! 

Get your slammer out and get those POGs! We hope you have a blast! Let us know what you think; we definitely want your feedback.  

We are self-publishing free Infosec Zines called PROMPT#.

PROMPT# will contain: 

  • Infosec articles 
  • Challenging puzzles 
  • Comic book based on real-life hacking adventures 
  • Coloring contests 
  • Bonus Backdoors & Breaches Consultant Cards (print version only) 
  • Other stuffs 

You can check out current and upcoming issues here: https://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/prompt-zine/ 

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